Lean Six Sigma Training
Lean 6 Sigma Training Courses & Certification

What is Lean Six Sigma?
Lean Six Sigma is a proven methodology for improving businesses and making them much more efficient. Lean Six Sigma does this by systematically removing waste and reducing variation. It originated in the Motorola company where all Motorola employees underwent training, and Six Sigma became the standard for all Motorola business processes. Lean six sigma training was originally designed for use in manufacturing. However, over time it has evolved to a point where it can now be applied to any industry, and any size of company irrespective of whether they are small, medium-sized, large or multinational corporations. One of the main benefits of lean six sigma training is that it can be used by the whole company (which is recommended for best results, as Motorola did) by a single department or even on an individual level.
Likely, you will also hear the name ‘Toyota’ mentioned when talking about companies being lean because Toyota invented the ‘Toyota Production System’ (TPS) a system also considered to be a good example of a lean system.
The Lean Thinking world grew rapidly with a focus on reducing non-value-adding activities or waste. The Japanese word for this kind of waste is Muda.
The tried and tested strategies implemented as part of Lean Six Sigma training have been instrumental when it comes to changing minds and influencing working cultures. The way Lean strategies work is that they encourage you and your employees to ask the right questions in your workplace:
Are We Doing Things the Best Way? How Could We Improve?
Continuous improvement (Kaizen in Japanese), allows businesses to constantly evolve, develop, and review working practices, this ensures that your business continues to move in the right direction.
Thanks to Lean & Six Sigma training courses, you’ll be equipped with the tools you need to measure and enhance your business, question or get to a root cause as to why the process, whether supplying a service or product, is failing, being delayed or creating increased costs.
Becoming Six Sigma certified can help your team to grow and develop your company, whatever its size. Using Lean Six Sigma strategies, you’ll be able to enhance your business, eliminate waste and encourage efficiency across your company. While Lean & Six Sigma are two separate methodologies, they work hand in hand with each other; the 2 methodologies complement each other throughout the business to create a truly effective and practical strategy to enhance your business and offer continuous improvement – Kaizen.
Lean Six Sigma Training Courses
Whatever your role in a company, Lean Six Sigma training can dynamically enhance your department and your business, as a whole. Anyone in the organisation can benefit from Lean Six Sigma training. Whether you’re a project manager, department manager, part of a Human Resources, finance or IT department, or even a member of the sales team, Six Sigma and Lean Practices will play a huge role in how you view your job and help you with any issues you are facing.
You may want to evolve or look for ways to improve processes, reduce time, reduce costs or improve the customer experience of the business, but lack the tools to do it. Perhaps you’re struggling to understand why your business or department isn’t doing as well as it could.
Whatever the reason Lean Six Sigma offers the practical tools to help you.
We offer:
- Lean Practices Training
- Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
- Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
- Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Why Choose Sales Training International for Lean Six Sigma Training?
At Sales Training International, we are proud to offer a diverse range of courses focused on Lean Six Sigma in the workplace. Whether you’re looking to improve your business, a specific department or even implement the strategies of Lean Six Sigma as part of your sales strategy, we are here for you. Just some of the reasons Sales Training International is one of the world’s most popular providers of Six Sigma Courses include:
- All of our Lean Six Sigma course are certified via CPD.
- We’re Incredibly proud of our 95% pass rate.
- We’re committed to our students. Instead of a quick online self-study course, we ensure that all our delegates are fully-equipped by delivering only face to face pr live virtual lean six sigma courses, with the right knowledge, tools and mentoring to integrate their new skills immediately on return to the workplace by undertaking a live fully mentored) project.
- We continue to work with international clients to implement Lean Six Sigma across the world. Some of our clients include Ministry of Defence, Vodafone, ICBC Bank, Heathrow Airport, Dubai Duty Free, BMW, Agility Logistics, Ford, Yodel, Etisalat, Barlays Bank, Just eat, Oman Airports, Abu Dhabi National Oil Co and many more.
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Lean Six Sigma Clients We Have Worked With:
How Does Lean Six Sigma Work?
Whether you’re suffering from common business problems such as failing to deliver on-time, a below-quality product or service or struggling to keep your budgets in control, our training courses are here for you.
An important part of Lean Six Sigma is asking the right questions, some of the most important questions that you should be asking yourself include:
When things in your business aren’t right, how do we investigate what went wrong?
How do we identify where it went wrong? How can we, as a company and as individuals, put new systems and processes in place to stop these problems developing again?
Should we introduce Permanent Correct Actions (PCAs) to allow our business to constantly evolve? How do we move our company forward with Continuous Improvement (CI) commitments?
Ultimately, how do change mindsets and the working culture in our business to encourage growth, problem solving and drive success?
Lean Six Sigma isn’t just about looking what has gone wrong with your business. It’s just as important to focus on your customer’s needs. It isn’t just a matter of customer service or product attributes – thanks to Lean and Six Sigma, you’ll be able to develop a deeper understating of your customers or clients. Once you understand your customers, you’ll be able to dynamically improve your business and workplace with their goals, ideals and needs in mind.
Lean Six Sigma Methodology
Lean methodology focuses on “Waste” – waste within the business and specifically the processes that are performed to provide a service or product – in this case, the sale process. Any processes will have “Waste,” Lean aims to eradicate or at least reduce this “waste.”
There are 8 types of waste:
Transport, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Over-processing, Defects, Skills – Unutilized talent
The 8 wastes are often known as TIM WOODS
Kanban boards and value stream mapping are tools we use to look at a process and flow in relation to lean.
Listening to the Voice of the Customer (VOC) we can fully establish what the customer really requires. A customer requirement is paramount to the service or product we provide, as, if we do not listen to what they require, we do not give them what meets their needs, at the delivery time required and at the cost they want to pay. Obviously, we have to take into full consideration what our abilities are to fulfil these contractual requirements, but unless we take time to look at the process and methodology of finding out what our customers need – which is what Lean gives us, we are at the mercy of failing our customer in terms of what we offer them, at what cost, in what time…
Six Sigma
Six Sigma methodology focuses on “variation” – variation within the processes that are performed on a regular basis, which are the driving force behind many of our normal daily activities to produce the service or product based on our VOC – in this case, the sales process. All processes have variations over a period of time. It establishes if this variation is within what we expect, or has it gone out of our specified time or measured scale that we will accept. If we are out of specification or something has changed, maybe the VOC, time period for sign-off, business needs or the working environment has changed, then we have to then establish why the variation has affected the business. If we don’t seek to establish the root cause of this change, we have the risk of increased costs, failure on contract time scales, reduced quality, and offering the wrong solutions, all of which not only affects our customer but also affects our financial business – both are unacceptable. We must always remember that we have both Internal and External customers, who all have inputs to any process outputs.
Lean Six Sigma – What Is It? Why do it?
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The DMAIC 5 Step Roadmap for Success:
Sales Training International’s Lean Six Sigma Training provides you with a DMAIC 5 step roadmap to help you develop your business. Understanding the benefits that this DMAIC 5 step roadmap can provide to your business is an integral part of making the right choices when it comes to strategizing for your company.
The five phases of DMAIC are:
Define the Problem
First of all, you need to look at the whole process, or even just a segment of the process, to define your problems. As part of this step, you could also look at what your customers expect from you, which you currently aren’t offering.
Measure the Severity of the Problem
You need to understand how bad the problems in your business are. This step is about collecting data and information on the stage of the process which has a problem. You could also collect data from customers to understand what it is they actually want from your business.
Analyse the Cause of Your Problems
It is important that you understand the cause of your problems, including the identification of thematic issues. Use the information you obtained in the previous step to understand where the blockage or difficulties are in your business.
Improve the Process
Once you know what is wrong, you need to review and attempt to understand how you can change it. It can be a good idea to run a pilot on your process to understand how minor variations will have a larger impact on your system.
Control the Changes
Once you’ve instigated the variations and improvements, you need to make certain that you are actively controlling the changes. Control remains the permanent phase of an effective Six Sigma strategy. You need to continuously track essential data and evolve your company to drive innovation and development.
Lean 6 Sigma Certification
Here at Sales Training International, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive range of Lean and Six Sigma Training for businesses of all kinds. Whether you’re looking for in-house, six sigma tools or online six sigma training courses, we are here to help you learn the lean six sigma methods you need to succeed in achieving your sigma certifications.
Six Sigma Certification is a proven way of improving any business’ profitability. Thanks to Black Belt, Yellow Belt and Green Belt Sigma training, you’ll be able to instigate company-wide strategies to help you save money and reduce waste.
Whether you’ve already started on your company’s Six Sigma journey, or you’re just starting to save money and improve profitability with Lean Six Sigma, we are here for you.
For more information on our diverse range of training courses, including online or in-house Six Sigma certification, get in touch today. You can reach our experienced team today by calling +44 (0) 1704 889325. If you prefer, you can also use our simple online contact form, and we’ll get back to you at a time that is convenient for you.

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