How To Use Belbin’s Team Roles to Improve Your Team Success

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Just imagine today is the day you begin a new project and you’ve got a new team, but how can you turn them into a welloiled machine? How can you determine how they’ll approach their work and how can you identify their strengths and weaknesses?

Simple! Meredith Belbin developed a model to assess how individuals behave in a team. The model describes how each role comes with various strengths and weaknesses which can affect the productivity of a team.

Belbin says that an effective team requires all nine roles to be fulfilled however this does not mean that a team always requires nine people as most people will fulfil two or three roles. Some people have a natural preference for certain roles and others can be and are willing to be trained to undertake certain roles. This needs to be taken into consideration when forming a team and applying advanced leadership skills.


Lets look at the 9 roles in more detail:

We start by grouping the 9 roles into three distinct categories, they are: actionoriented roles thinking roles and social oriented roles.

ActionOriented Roles:

Shaper (SH)
Implementer (IMP)
Completer Finisher (CF)

PeopleOriented Roles:

Coordinator (CO)
Team Worker (TW)
Resource Investigator (RI)

ThoughtOriented Roles:

Plant (PL)
Monitor Evaluator (ME)
Specialist (SP)


So what are the characteristics of each role:

The shaper:
Outgoing and dominant; the task leader; can be domineering.

Strengths: driven, challenging, copes with pressure well, finds ways around problems
Allowable weaknesses: prone to short temper, can be seen as blunt, rude and insensitive

The implementer:
A practical organiser

Strengths: methodical, disciplined, organised
Allowable weakness: may be inflexible

The completerfinisher: Checks details, worries about deadlines, keeps putting pressure on to complete.

Strengths: meticulous, good follow through, attention to detail
Allowable weaknesses: worries, does not delegate

The coordinator:
A coordinator of efforts; good people skills; social leader.

Strengths: gets on well with people and is good at motivating others
Allowable weakness: can be manipulative

The team worker:
Smooths over conflicts, uncompetitive; mediator.

Strengths: supportive and diplomatic.
Allowable weakness: indecisive under pressure

The resource investigator:
The most popular, the salesperson, the diplomat; Mr Fixit.

Strengths: outgoing, picks up new ideas
Allowable weakness: becomes easily bored

The plant: Most creative and intelligent but introverted; ideas person; easily put off, needs to be brought out of shell.

Strengths: clever and creative
Allowable weakness: non conformity; loner

The monitorevaluator: Analytically rather than creatively intelligent; works slowly and methodically.

Strengths: careful objective approach, sees all options
Allowable weakness: seen as slow moving and uninspiring

The specialist:
Has detailed, technical knowledge.

Strength: indepth expertise
Allowable weakness: may be unrealistic.

Belbin’s model can help to better understand your team’s dynamic and utilise every individual strengths while managing their weaknesses and this can bring your team a step closer to realizing their full potential and leading high performance teams.

Watch our video on Belbin’s Team Roles here: 

If you are interested in leadership and management training or advanced leadership training please contact Sales Training International on +44 (0) 1704 889325 or email for more information.

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