Speed Reading Training Course
Course Aim
We offer in-house training only – we do not run public courses
To enable delegates to learn a completely new, ‘whole brain’ way of reading, during which speeds of 20,000 – 30,000 words per minute can be achieved (a page a second).
The programme is particularly appropriate for anyone who needs to read a significant amount of reference material, reports, etc in order to fulfil their job responsibilities.
We offer short, focused, strategic, high-value interventions
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, delegates will be able to:
- Overview, preview, Quantum read and facilitate books and reports
- Draw Mind MapsTM
- Access unconscious problem solving capabilities using Image Streaming
- Carry out Brain Gym exercises to enhance learning abilities
- Quantum Read a 200 page book in 30 minutes and be able to discuss its contents in detail
- Synoptically review 6 books simultaneously
- Activate desired behavioural changes by Quantum reading appropriate written material
- Utilise peripheral vision more effectively
- Improve conventional reading speed
Course Content
Course content includes:
- What speeds you up and what slows you down when reading conventionally
- How to improve and utilise your peripheral vision
- Your two different types of memory, which is more efficient and why
- How to do Brain Gym exercises
- How to draw Mind MapsTM
- How to overview the content of a book in less than 5 minutes and decide exactly what you want to get from it
- How to Quantum Read a book or document at the rate of a page a second
- How to access the relevant information using a variety of facilitation methods
- How to synoptically review six books simultaneously
- How to Image Stream and apply it to problem solving
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