Presentation Skills


Presentation Skills Training

Course Aim

To enable delegates to prepare and deliver an internal or external presentation that satisfies the audience’s aims and needs.

The programme is suitable for salespeople or managers who need to make presentations as part of their job function, with emphasis given on how to gain the audience commitment to the idea / product / service.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Describe how to plan and prepare a presentation effectively
  • Explain how to structure an effective presentation
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of visual aids
  • Describe the need of the audience
  • Understand the need for clear communication
  • Describe how to deal with difficult people
  • Develop and demonstrate how to give an effective presentation and gain audience commitment

Course Content

Course content includes:

  • Deciding the purpose of the presentation
  • Who is in the audience and what are their needs?
  • ‘Learning styles’ and how they can help make your presentations more effective.
  • Planning and preparing your presentations.
  • Structuring the presentation and getting started.
  • How to use visual aids effectively.
  • Dealing with difficult people.
  • Closing the presentation in a positive way.
  • Several opportunities to prepare and give presentations


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