Enterprise leadership Training Courses
A programme for today’s & tomorrow’s leaders
We offer in-house training only – we do not run public courses
Enterprise leadership encourages leaders to focus on organisational outcomes and working on behalf of the whole organisation, instead of focusing only on their own business unit or team.
Where there is enterprise leadership in action, team strategies are connected to organisational goals, the organisation places priority on cross-functional operations and team resources are aligned to the broader organisational strategy.
In this intensive and challenging programme we look at what is required of enterprise leaders, the organisation itself and the people.
We will also look at what must be done to create enterprise leaders in a culture that supports them and all the people in it.
Key topics
- Strategic planning – Leading to: Connected strategies
- Strategic execution – Leading to: Cross functional coordination is prioritised
- Resource allocation – Leading to: Strategic alignment of resources
- Talent planning – Leading to: Talent viewed as a corporate asset
We offer short, focused, strategic, high-value interventionst
By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:
- Explain what Enterprise Leadership is
- Explain how business, department and work section strategy affects them and their people and how they should work together
- Raise their effectiveness as a better strategic thinker and leader daily in everything they touch and do
- Deliver a much higher level of customer value by the entire organization on a focused and consistent basis
- Integrate strategic thinking and strategic planning, in a holistic fashion for the organization
- Achieve business sustainability and competitive advantage for the organization by leading strategic change effectively in a purposeful, coordinated, and highly integrated fashion
- Significantly increase the level of employee engagement, trust, and productivity throughout the organization
- Support and encourage organizational culture that upholds and celebrates entrepreneurial thinking and commercial awareness, and drives the sustainable growth of the organization by improving cost control and limiting risk
- Seek alliances and business relationships that add value to the organization, and consistently develops one’s own financial and commercial knowledge and understanding.
- Focus on developing the collective capability of their team/unit to meet the future challenges aligned to and as a part of the organisation’s strategic plans and needs and the needs of customers
- Forecast short and long term resource requirements
- Better run and use the talent management systems in the organization
- Better identify talents and their best utilization in the business
- Better develop and retain talents
What is enterprise leadership (EL)?
We will explore the concepts and our roles in it.
Topics include:
- Traditional approaches to leadership
- Silo leadership
- What EL is
- 25 words that describe EL
- Benefits
- The four pillars
- Trainer lead discussion
EL across the organisation
If you want enterprising leaders, create enterprising employees.
In this session, we look at what an enterprising culture looks like and start to consider the wider implications.
Topics include:
- What changes we will need
- What people want
- The concept of engagement
- The X model of engagement
- Issues and challenges
- Exercises include:
- CEO for a day
- How engaged are our people (and us?)
- Issue and barrier surfacing
EL starts with strategy. Connecting people and te4ams with strategy, ensuring our local strategies tie in to organisation strategies and ensuring that there is congruence across the whole organisation.
- Defining strategy
- Components of strategy
- Discovering why strategies fail or succeed
- Clarifying your mission, vision and core competencies
- The benefits of strategic planning
- The need for strategic planning
- Assessing tools and processes for strategic planning
- Strategic planning and business analysis
- Strategy – a definition
- Clarifying your current mission, vision and values
- Aligning vision, mission and objectives
- Analysing the internal and external forces that impact on your business– SLOT and PESTLE
- Analysing your strategic position
- Strategic planning
- Analysing the organisation using 7Ss
- Monitoring and controlling implementation
- Key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Metrics to measure performance
- Monitoring progress with dashboards
- Adjusting for unanticipated events
- Ensuring that critical success factors are managed
- Identifying and measuring performance against key performance indicators
- Applying the concept of the balanced scorecard
- Cascade of strategic planning & change core strategies vs KSMs matrix
- Exercises include:
- Using PEST / SLOT
- Assessing the organisation using McKinsey’s 7 S and paired comparison
- Developing and using the balanced scorecard
- Develop a strategic management system
Aligning culture to strategic direction and connecting people to strategy
We will examine how aligning our people with our strategies and making them relevant and meaningful can produce dramatically improved business results.
Topics include:
- Goals and objectives
- Defining roles and outcomes in terms of strategy
- How strategy impacts performance
- Measuring performance
- Working with people to manage their performance
- The strategic cascade
- How strategic management translates into inaction
- Giving feedback
- Keeping people informed
- Listening to people
- Cascading back upwards – contributing to strategy
- Managing upwards
- Stakeholder expectations
- Effective communication mechanisms
- Rewards and motivation
- Exercise include:
- Stakeholder analysis
- Defining roles by strategy
- Cascading strategy
- Strategic alignment and customers – delivering great customer experiences
- Develop a strategic management system
Talent is a critical asset for an enterprise organisation
Here we look at how to define, identify, measure and nurture talent.
- Definition of talent and the concept of talent management
- Taking responsibility for the talent management
- Identifying what your team / organisation will need to have moving forward to meet the company’s requirements for talent
- Selecting and recruiting talent
- Some tools and approaches for developing engagement and potential
- Giving feedback
- Keeping people informed
- Listening to people
- Cascading back upwards – contributing to strategy
- Managing upwards
- Stakeholder expectations
- Effective communication mechanisms
- Rewards and motivation
- Talent selection and integration
- Development and succession planning
- Retaining talented people
- Producing career plans
- Working with people to develop talent
- Effective mentoring
- Exercises include:
- Trainer lead discussion to include:
- Why is there a talent shortage and how serious is it?
- The war for talent
- Talent and succession
- Hi potential
- Talent management and business strategy
- Creating a talent management strategy
- Case study exercise to include:
- 6 Practices of top talent companies
- Talent development
- Talent breeders
- Talent blockers
- Exercise to look at developing a talent strategy
- Purpose
- Vision
- Engagement
- Structure
- Character
- Results
- Participants will be guided to work through a structured, step by step process and exercise that covers:
- Use trend and correlation information to produce predictive forecasts
- Measure employee turnover in the organization
- Reduce attrition rates through ongoing development
- Determining future needs
- Forecasting short and long term resource requirements
- What our skills and manpower needs are and will be
- How to measure what we have now
- How to attract talent
- Becoming “the employer of choice”
- Succession planning
- Review and case studies
- Past behaviour as the best predictor of future behaviour
- Competency based and behavioural interviewing
- Effective interviewing for talent
- Onboarding
- Discussion, case study and practical exercise on:
- Planning development and matching to business needs
- Developing talent
- Succession planning
- Traps, pitfalls and approaches
- Managing performance
- Rewards
- Discussion and case study exercise
- Why talented people may leave
- Causes and indications of dissatisfaction
- Motivating talented people
- Talent retention strategies
- Case study then practical, role play exercises to focus on:
- Helping people to find own solutions to problems
- Encouraging people to try new roles/behaviours
- Suggesting appropriate training or positions for their future career
- Encouraging people to grow competency levels beyond their own
- Trainer lead discussion to include:
Enterprise and resource allocation
Enterprise and resource allocation
Her we examine what resources we control and how to ensure that we operate at an organisational as well as team and department level.
Topics include:
- Identifying resources
- Collaborative working with others
- Networking for teams and us
- Efficient working
- Theory of constraints applied to EL
- Talent, skills and capabilities as resources
- What do we need now and in the future?
- Exercises include:
- Networking for strategic use of resources
- Identify constraints
- Develop team networking
- Organisational ROI
- Identify people and performance resources and future needs
- Goals and objectives
- Defining roles and outcomes in terms of strategy
- How strategy impacts performance
- Measuring performance
- Working with people to manage their performance
- The strategic cascade
- How strategic management translates into inaction
- Giving feedback
- Keeping people informed
- Listening to people
- Cascading back upwards – contributing to strategy
- Managing upwards
- Stakeholder expectations
- Effective communication mechanisms
- Rewards and motivation
- Exercise include:
- Stakeholder analysis
- Defining roles by strategy
- Cascading strategy
- Strategic alignment and customers – delivering great customer experiences
- Develop a strategic management system
Developing the organisation
EL demands fresh approaches.
Here we look at being innovative and enterprising in what we do and how we serve our customers.
Topics include:
- Value engineering
- Innovation at all levels
- Networking in all directions for fresh results
- Exercises include:
- Value engineering
- Innovating across the organisation
- Feeding innovation back into strategy
Promoting ownership
It is critical that everyone takes ownership of their own performance, rather than seeing the new initiative as a bureaucratic or box ticking activity.
In this session, we will look at how to develop ownership
Topics include:
- What do we mean by ownership and why is it important?
- How do we assess our own level of ownership?
- What do we need to help us improve it?
- How do we assess the ownership levels of our staff?
- What can we do to improve it?
- How to be more results oriented
- Motivating and influencing others (including Dan Pink and Robert Cialdini videos and explanation)
- Exercises will be drawn from:
- Assess my ownership
- Planning to motivate
- Influencing others