Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) Customer Relationship Management Course
We offer in-house training only – we do not run public courses
Customer Relationship Management is one of the most crucial skills for any business. A key aspect of modern business is keeping your customers satisfied. By providing your customers with the best possible service, and the support they need, you’ll be able to retain your customer base. If you feel like your business will be able to benefit from a professional Customer Relationship Management Course, get in touch with Sales Training International today.
Thanks to our customer relationship management course, you’ll be able to get the edge on your competition. While this course is best suited for experienced customer service professionals, it doesn’t mean newbies can’t take part! Whatever your level of experience, this course will give you the skills and techniques you need to deliver the best customer service experience.
Course Aim
To enable delegates to understand and demonstrate the essential skills required to plan for, establish, develop and maintain effective, long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with their customers.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course delegates will be able to:
- The Importance of CRM to Business Success
- Where CRM Fits into the Product & brand
- How Customers View the ‘Moments of Truth’ in Service Delivery
- What the Best Companies do to Exploit CRM
- Explain the Importance of Recruiting the Right Type of Customers
- Devise an Effective Prospecting Plan for the Right Customers
- Construct & Demonstrate an Effective Recruitment Call Using Their Own ‘Script’.
- Describe the Most Effective Way of Managing Their Portfolio of Customers, Ensuring the Right Amount of Time is Spent with the Right Customers
- Explain & Demonstrate how to Give Effective Presentations
- Detail Effective Techniques on How to Manage Their Time More Effectively
- List the Ways they can Continue to Develop & Plan for their Own Development
We offer short, focused, strategic, high-value interventions
Course Content
Course content includes:
- How to analyse the customer relationship
- How to identify opportunities for relationship development
- Recruiting new customers
- When to ‘break the rules’ to deliver great service that delights clients while looking after the interests of the business
- How to analyse the customer relationship
- How to identify opportunities for relationship development
- Managing a portfolio of customers
- How to ‘break the rules’ to deliver great service that delights clients while looking after the interests of the business
- Use the principle media of telephone and written contact proactively
- How to bring personality and individuality to customer service
- How to handle complaints using a model for service recovery
- Develop client relationships from a business development perspective
- Making effective presentations
- Time and self-management
- Self-development and action planning