Change, whilst necessary to move forward, can be hard to implement and hard for others to accept. Often change is announced and others are just expected to accept it. As a leader of change management it is important you have a clear process to follow to ensure you...
Listening is more than just hearing words it’s about active engagement, empathy and developing a deep understanding of what is being said. When we improve our listening skills, we improve our overall communication skills and interpersonal skills. Steven Covey...
Just imagine today is the day you begin a new project and you’ve got a new team, but how can you turn them into a well-oiled machine? How can you determine how they’ll approach their work and how can you identify their strengths and weaknesses? Simple!...
In 1965 psychologist Bruce Tuckman said that teams go through five stages of development 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning Why do we need to know this? Well as a team leader, whether we are building a new team, taking over an...
Communication skills is at the heart of sales. Every successful sales person will be a great communicator. Part of communication is being able to ask great questions. Questions are important at every stage of the sales process from creating leads, to building...