Virtual Collaboration

Virtual Collaboration

Since the advent of lockdowns, the difference in the effectiveness between teams with robust virtual collaboration processes and those without is profound. As an element of virtual working will continue it is vital we know how to collaborate in this way. Collaboration...
5 Effective Steps to Successful Virtual Training

5 Effective Steps to Successful Virtual Training

The harsh truth about virtual training is that if you don’t work extra hard to capture and hold the attention of your delegates they’ll probably be disengaged at best and bored to tears at worst. Entrepreneur Steve Clarke surmises succinctly what you can find yourself...
Managing Wellbeing for Remote Staff

Managing Wellbeing for Remote Staff

Does your business include wellbeing for remote staff in your risk assessments?   If the answer is no, you’re in the right place to find out why more and more businesses are getting proactive around wellbeing for remote staff. Remote working can mean a number of...
Giving Feedback Virtually – Top Tips

Giving Feedback Virtually – Top Tips

Feedback is vital in any role. Feedback helps improve performance, engage and motivate staff. It shouldn’t just be an annual event as part of performance management. It should be a regular ongoing part of a manager’s role. Giving meaningful timely feedback is a skill...
Virtual Coaching – How to Coach Staff Remotely and Effectively

Virtual Coaching – How to Coach Staff Remotely and Effectively

The ability to coach staff is a vital skill for any manager. Coaching helps: Continual performance improvement Goal setting and achievement Engagement People feel valued Implement change   Since March 2020 face to face coaching hasn’t really been an option for...
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